We’re barely into 2022, but Leap Ambassadors have been exceptionally busy writing, speaking, and podcasting. We love learning from our colleagues and want to be sure you don’t miss their wisdom!
ICYMI: Here’s a selection of their recent efforts:
- Art Taylor hosted fellow Leap Ambassadors Beth Kanter and Allison Fine on his Heart of Giving podcast to talk about their new book, The Smart Nonprofit: Staying Human-Centered in an Automated World.
- Ann Mei Chang wrote on the Candid blog about the importance of good data in helping our social sector become both more equitable and more efficient.
- Michael McAfee wrote that “equity is the soul of collective impact” in the Stanford Social Innovation Review. He encourages leaders to work together to design a just and fair nation for all.
- Jim Taylor wrote powerfully on the BoardSource blog about the importance of intentional conversations about nonprofit boards and truth, racial healing, and transformation.
- Nick Tedesco spoke with Compton Foundation Executive Director June Wilson about his own racial equity journey and the National Center for Family Philanthropy’s commitment that racial equity is essential to effective family philanthropy.
- Dana O’Donovan was a guest on Denver Frederick’s Business of Giving podcast to discuss the trends she sees for philanthropy and the social sector in 2022, based on her work at Deloitte’s Monitor Institute.
We could keep going and going! Instead, we’ll just remind you that you can keep up with the latest writings, podcasts, and more from our ambassadors “in the news” by checking out the sidebar on our site.
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Be well,
Leap Ambassadors Community
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