Conference Save the Date

Leading Change Conference: From Global Knowledge to Local Action
JMU School of Strategic Leadership Studies
24-25 February, 2023 | Harrisonburg, VA

Mark your calendars and plan to join us for the 3rd bi-annual Leading Change: Interdisciplinary Perspectives in Leadership Studies Conference (#LEADCC23) hosted by James Madison University’s School of Strategic Leadership Studies!

LEADCC was developed as a regional interdisciplinary leadership conference and as a way of giving scholars — especially emerging scholars and graduate students interested in the field of leadership — an opportunity to present their research without requiring significant travel. As such, LEADCC aims to create an intimate and developmental atmosphere, as well as provide faculty and student leadership scholars and practitioners across disciplines (e.g. postsecondary education, non-profit studies, organizational leadership) a forum.

We are also excited to announce that we will resume hosting LEADCC as a primarily in-person conference in Harrisonburg, VA — the beautiful home of JMU. This will include numerous opportunities to network with peers, share ideas, and build lasting connections.

We encourage you to share this opportunity with other graduate students and your professional colleagues. A call for proposals will be released in early Fall 2022, and registration will open shortly after.

We look forward to seeing you in February!

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