The Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action (ARNOVA) and Independent Sector invite proposals for this year’s Nonprofit Public Policy Symposium, which will focus on the nonprofit sector workforce and nonprofits as employers. Dolly Parton’s classic song “9 to 5” is named after an advocacy organization created to give voice to women in the workforce who felt invisible. Similarly, despite the impressive size and impact of the nonprofit workforce, we are most often invisible to policymakers without significant advocacy by the sector.
The sector needs to better understand our own human capital needs and trends. Parton’s song often is described as an “anthem for the overworked and underpaid,” sentiments frequently echoed among nonprofit employees. Like the song, nonprofit workers have a shared sense of pride, but also shared grievances and the desire for systemic change. The demographics of the nonprofit workforce are changing with potential disparities observed in rehiring, pay, and promotion, among women and particularly among women of color.
Proposals should address research findings or practice-informed perspectives on nonprofits as employers, the needs of nonprofit workers, and how the sector collectively can use public policy to foster a more equitable workforce in the future. Proposals to participate in the October 2022 symposium should contain a short, 600-word plan for a longer 2,000-4,000 word commentary, research article, or essay on the topics mentioned in the next section. Selected applicants will present the main points from their submissions at the 2022 Policy Symposium.
Proposals are due April 29, 2022, and full submissions will be due September 16, 2022.
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